A flock of Snow Buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) in Unity earlier this winter. Snow Buntings have the northernmost range of perching birds, also called passerines by the ornithologically inclined. They can be found in fallow fields in Central Maine throughout the winter, but will soon fly north to their breeding grounds in the Canadian taiga and tundra. Photo by Tom Aversa.

Thank you to our volunteer crews for helping to plant trees and shrubs at the Rines Preserve and clear trails at the Moulton's Mill Preserve (above). We will focus our upcoming workday on trail cleanup and removing invasive plants at Moulton's Mill. Hopefully you can join us in the future - it’s hard work but fun and always good to be outdoors! Learn more about volunteering.
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All of our programs are open to the public.
Stay tuned for a list of 2025 speaker series programs, field trips and other events or contact info@sebasticookrlt.org or 948-3766 for more information.
Click button for more information and to RSVP
​​​​​Saturday, March 29
Conservation Easements as a Tool for Land Protection
Sisters of St. Joseph, Winslow​
Erika Presley, Midcoast Conservancy and Cheryl Daigle, SRLT
*Registration is through the Sisters of St. Joseph in Winslow and this will be hybrid online and in-person. Click HERE for more information and to register.
World Migratory Bird Day Walk at Rines Preserve
Celebrate World Bird Migration Day 2025 by joining Sebasticook Regional Land Trust for a walk through the Unity wetlands along the raised esker at the Rines Wetlands and Wildlife Preserve. The walk will be led by SRLT board member Tom Aversa.
Volunteer Work Days are typically held on the Last Sunday of
the Month
(locations vary) with the exception of holiday weekends.
SUNDAY, March 30
Carlson Woods and Moulton's Mill boat launch parking area